Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What are some questions and concerns you have about growing up and adulthood?

    Now I know that everyone has to grow and be an adult. The fact is I just do not want to. Many of my friends know that I am silly, energetic and always happy and fun. When I am an adult does that mean I have to become a boring person. Also do i have to speak proper and dress well. I never match now and i do not plan on it. Will I be judged if I still act the way i do , but have a family and good job. Do adults have no fun what so ever or do they get to do whats needs to be and still be a kid inside forever.A lot of people think the biggest thing about growing up is living without your mother or father , not for me it's about actually growing up and being mature. When I am older can I be mature but still act sorta like a kid and have fun or will I "frowned upon". I am not a person that likes frowns so I do not think this will work out very well for me. I do know that I have to face life but when I grow up I still want to be Ramon I do not want Mr.Ramon or anything like that, I really don't want to change that much at all.

    I think I will pull a Peter Pan and just not grow up at all. When I am an adult or just when I am older i will still be same old silly,energetic, happy,fun Ramon I am now.And I hope I am accepted for who I am. That is why I am planning on staying friends with the people i know and love now. I know they accept me. I just hope society does too.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that this is just kind of thoughts. And if you are wondering this is prompt #14
